Сатанисты, которых не было: скандальное дело детского сада Макмартин
Anatomy of the McMartin Child Molestation Case // Книга
Sociologists in action: The McMartin sexual abuse case, litigation, justice, and mass hysteria // Hiroshi Fukurai
Suggestive interviewing in the McMartin Preschool and Kelly Michaels daycare abuse cases: A case study // Article
I am sorry // LA Times
Abuse cases and a legacy of skepticism // The New York Times
Remembering what never occurred? Children’s false memories for repeated experiences // The Inquisitive Mind
McMartin: A case of dominoes? // Mary A. Fischer
The terrible puzzle of McMartin preschool // The Washington Post
McMartin Trial Transcript Excerpts // Internet Archive
McMartin preschooler: "I lied" // LA Times Archive
Famous Trials Resources